Curly hair tips

If you have wavy or curly hair, you know that achieving your best texture isn’t wash-and-go. Ringlets require careful styling that straight haired people just don’t understand.
To make the most of your curly hair, try these tips we’ve picked up for you.

  • 1. Dry curly hair by pressing gently with a microfiber towel. Rubbing hair can rough up the cuticle and cause hair to frizz.
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  • 2. Curly hair seems to grow slower than straight hair because its length is all coiled up. But that doesn’t mean you should skip trims; see your hairstylist for split end maintenance every two months.Product Details
  • 3. The one thing all curly and wavy hair needs is moisture. Use shampoo and condition hydrating products, salt and sulfate free and use a moisturizing mask on your hair once a week. We like Kanechom Aloe Vera ($14.99)

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  • 4. Curly hair tends to get tangled easily. To avoid stubborn knots and tangles we recommend Diva Glide detangling brush ($9.99). Start with at the ends working upwards
  • 5. Avoid products with sulfates, alcohol and salt, which can dry out and damage curls.